Procedure for Observation of Subgrade Settlement of Zhengzhou-Xi’an Passenger Dedicated Rail Line |
YANG Lin-hao |
Zhengzhou-Xi' an Passenger Dedicated Railway Line Project Headquarter of the Third Engineering Bureau Group Co. Ltd. of Chinese Railway, Lingbao, Henan 472500, China |
Abstract Research purposes: When construction of subgrade is conducted in collapsible oless area, the observation of settlement plays critical role in defining construction time of ballstless track. It requires of working out an effective observation procedure for making accurate evaluation of subgrade settlement.
Research methods: First of all, it requires of equipping with necessary persons and high accurate inspection instruments for defining necessary observation contents, laying out rational observation section and defining observation frequency. The settlement observation includes settlement observation of foundation bottom, observation of level displacement, settlement observation of slope toe and observation of embankment top. Based on the measurement result, the settlement is calculated to define the final settlement value and time of unloading heaped preload.
Research results: The settlement of real measurement can be calculated by adopting hyperbolic curve method and exponential curve method and the relation curve can be established between settlement and time. The entire amount of settlement, post-construction settlement value and settlement rate in later stage can be analyzed and calculated according to the calculation of real measurement or by adopting the inversion analysis method for settlement, and further analysis and calculation are made for the final time of settlement, and further analysis and calculation are made for the final time of settlement complete.
Research conclusions: It provides an effective method for observation of subgrade settlement in construction, which can be applied widely.
Received: 27 April 2006
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