Some Suggestions about the Development of Rail Transit in Kunming New Airport |
DUAN Sheng-chuan, WANG Cai-xia, LV Cong-gao |
China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd.,Chengdu, Sichuan 610031 .China |
Abstract Research purposes: This paper makes the researches on the plan of mute network for the developing the rail transit of the Kunming new international airport, and discusses the necessity of developing the rail transit, and gives some suggestions about the time of building projects and the investment.
Research method :According to the analysis of comprehensive transit mute network of key airport at home and abroad, making contrast analysis of technical and economic from the investment, the volumes of passenger and comprehensive evaluation, and raise three design projects that use existing airport railway running inter-city trains, build a new light rail leading into the air harbor, and build a new airport special railway line.
Research results :We recommend to the plan of build a new light rail. This plan has characteristic of scientific and reasonable structure, fully and complete function. It is a comprehensive transit system that may quickly link up external tansit and have a good transport for passenger.
Research conclusions: Bulding the rail transit of the Kunming new international airport will improve transit structure of eastern developing axis at Kunming city, and sole environment problem of transit crowd and city pollution. It is the necessity for developing the urban transport of Kunming.
Received: 25 July 2007
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