Planning Environment and Planning Policy in Social Infrastructure Planning |
SHI Jing , Run 一ze |
Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China |
Abstract Research purposes: Social Infrastructure Planning adopts civil engineering technology and system science methodology to plan social infrastructure. However, with regard to the current situation of social infrastructure in China, it can be found that China is facing some problems in both ”Planning Environment" and ”Planning Policy". This study aims at promoting the scientific and systematic development of social infrastructure in China through ”Planning Environment" and ”Planning Policy" researches.
Research methods: This study focuses on Chinese Infrastructure Planning and systematically analyzes the history and current situation of social infrastructure planning in China, including the role of the government and market, the planning system, laws and regulations. Meanwhile, this study introduces the experiences of foreign countries, and reveals the existing problems.
Research results: This study advocates the scientific ”Social Infrastructure Planning" method and makes a point of reforming the planning system, improving the legislation and establishing a mufti-level infrastructure system in planning environment. And efforts also should be made to expand funding sources and enhancing comprehensive planning, etc. in planning policy.
Research conclusions: The importance and necessity of study on social infrastructure planning is revealed , and the related research will surely promote the development of social infrastructure planning in China.
Received: 22 October 2007
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