Experimental Research on Saline Water Decoupling Charge Structure for Smooth-wall Blasting to the Fenghuoshan Tunnel |
LIANG Wei-min, YANG Xiao-lin , CHU Huai-bao , YU Yong-qiang |
Henan Polytechnic University , Jiaozuo , Henan 454000,China |
Abstract Research purposes : Aiming at the specific geological and climate conditions of the Fenghuoshan Tunnel on Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the study is made on the problem that the wall rock collapses easily because of high temperature in tunnel.
Research methods: The theoretic analysis of the cause for raising temperature in the tunnel is made and also the theoretic and simulation testing researches are made on the saline water-air compound decoupling charge structure.
Research conclusions: Explosive gas is one of heat resources which influence the balance of frozen soil. Saline water medium has a good result in lowering the temperature of explosive gas with 70%.The aims of lowering the temperature of working face and reducing dust can be achieved by using NaCI saline water taming plug to block explosive mouth, and also the damage to rock wall can be reduced effectively by adopting complex decoupling structure.
Received: 05 June 2006
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