Adaptability Analysis of Scale and Capacity of the Entrance & Exit Depot Line of Beijing Multiple Unit Depot |
GENG Jing-chun1 ,NIU Hui-xiang1 ,XIAO Chun-guang1 ,X1E Min1 ,SONG Jian-peng1 ,X1E Tian-hua2 |
1. The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation, Tianjin 300251, China ; 2, Dalian Petrochemical Corporation, Dalian, Liaoning 116031, China |
Abstract Research purposes: The capacity of the entrance & exit depot line (EEDL) is one of the key factors whether the ability of multiple unit depot can get full use . To optimize efficiency of facilities in depots, adaptability analysis of scale and capacity of the EEDL was conducted with an example of Beijing multiple unit depot, which is based on estimated train operation scheme and maintenance arrangements of electric multiple unites ( EMU) maintenance. EMU operating schedule with maintenance arrangements was simulated by train working diagram system, where the traffic volume of EMUs on EEDL can be obtained. Finally, this paper puts forward the scheme of transportation organization and the calculation method of carrying capacity. Valuable research results are provided for the survey and design of the multiple unit depot.
Research conclusions : According to the scheme of transportation organization of EEDLs, comparison analyzing the condition of the best and worst about the carrying capability and the in and out of times of the EMU,confirming the adaptability of EEDLs transportation ability and giving the measurement to improve the capacity of its. Analysis of it, we can see that four one-hour time period per day the capacity of two lines can not meet the transport needs. Therefore, we suggest that EEDL of Beijing multiple unit depot should be set up three lines and every line should be designed to double - direction fleeting operation.
Received: 17 July 2008
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