Methods and Technology for Active and Passive Temperature Control of Frozen Soils |
WEI Zhi1,JIN Hui-jun1,ZHANG Jian-ming1,WU Jin-kui2,YANG Si-zhong1,JI Yan-jun3 |
1. State key Laboratory of Frozen Soils Engineering, Cold and Add Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences and China Forestry Administration, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000,China; 2. Hydrology and Ecology Laboratory of Watershed, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences and China Forestry Administration, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000,China; 3. Gansu Electric Power Design Institute, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000,China |
Abstract Research purposes: Frozen ground temperature changes will cause complex changes in seepage,temperature and stress fields. Active and passive temperature controls are the basic methods for frozen soils temperature control. But it is difficult to distinguish the active and passive concepts, so it is important to clarify the essential difference between active technology and passive technology for temperature control of frozen soil.
Research conclusions: From the viewpoint of energy, the passive temperature requires no power and no moving mechanical parts during operation, which is the most commonly used technology for frozen soils temperature control. On the contrary, the active temperature control requires power to operate or has moving parts in temperature control system. The most distinct features of the two methods are that whether the freezing process can be controlled and whether need any support to energy consumption. For some calculation of frozen soils temperature control, there are a lot of formulas and charts obtained in long time, which can be used, but if it wants a more precise calculation, it needs simulation with some mature models.
Received: 26 August 2008
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