The Calculation and Analyses of the Rainstorm Runoff of Minor Watershed along Jinzhou-Chifeng Railway |
ZHANG Jing-min, BAI Hong-guo |
The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation,Tianjin 300142,China |
Abstract Research purposes: Based on the geological survey for Jinzhou-Chifeng railway, the comprehensive analyses of many elements of the watershed along the railway are made for the purpose of seeking the methods for calculation of the rainstorm runoff of minor watershed.
Research results: According to the nature features of water system of river, hydrology and meteorology in this area, the calculated results of the rainstorm flow with 4 different four hydrographic computing methods are presented. Through making comparison and analyses of them, it is suitable for adopting endemic formula method to calculate the rainstorm runoff of minor watershed along Jinzhou-Chifeng Railway.
Received: 02 February 2008
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