Numerical Analysis of the Influence of Tunneling on Ground Movement and Adjacent Frame Structure |
LI Hao1,WANG Tao1,XU Ri-qing2 |
1. Jiangsu Provincial Communication Planning and Designing Institute Co. Ltd, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210005,China;2. Key Laboratory of Soft Soils and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Ministry of Education, Zhejiang University,Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310027,China |
Abstract Research purposes: Current practice for assessment of effects on adjacent structures due to tunneling usually starts with a procedure in which ground movement is imposed on a structural model of the building. The process ignores the effects of the building 's weight and stiffness. Numerical modeling of damage to structure due to tunneling is established. The combined effect of tunneling and structures on ground movement is analyzed, and the deformation and endogenous force of framE structure and piles influenced by tunneling are studied. Some reference opinions are provided for the work of design and construction.
Research conclusions: The results show that the settlement and its area of the ground increase significantly due to the weight of structure, but the lateral movement of the ground reduces significantly due to the stiffness of structure; Vertical displacement of the structure is significantly influenced by tunneling, but the lateral deformation is not marked. The bending moment of middle beams change little, but the bending moment of side beams increase marked. The axial force of middle pillars decreases, but the axial force of side pillars increases. In practice, the side beams and side pillars should be measured.
Received: 07 April 2008
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