Thoughts on Introducing the Board System by the Enterprise Directly Under the Central Authority |
TAN Feng-hua |
China Railway Group Limited, Beijing 100055,China |
Abstract Research purposes:Through making analyses of the formation,characteristics, existential conditions and environment, advantages and disadvantages of the independent board system, the issues for attention in introducing the system and its resolutions are put forward.
Research conclusions: Introducing board system is a very important innovative work for the enterprise directly under central authority, but the board system is not perfect. The primary goal and basic task of establishing the board system are to overcome the problem of”control of inner employees",but establishing the board system needs certain conditions and environment. The enterprise directly under central authority should have special purpose and not give a show when establishing the board system. In the cause of establishing the board system , the more attention should be paid to the natural defects and disadvantages of the independent board system and relative adjustments should be made in accordance with the real conditions.
Received: 30 June 2008
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