The ProblemsRelated to theAnchorageEngineering for Side Slope and Their Effects |
ZHENG Jing, HAN Long, ZHU Ben-zhen, ZENG Hui-hui |
NorthwestResearch Institute Co. Ltd ofCREC, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, China |
Abstract Research purposes:Based on the inspection and analyses of the anchorage engineering for side slope, the researches are done on the problems related to the anchorage engineering for side slope and their effects for the purpose ofproviding the basis for evaluation of the quality and stability of the anchorage engineering for side slope.
Research conclusions:The anchorage engineering is a concealed work, possibly occurring the problems in anchorage head, anchor rod, outside anchorage structure, prevention of corrosion and prestress loss. For instances, the problems in anchorage head, anchor rod and outside anchorage structure are caused by poor engineering quality. The problem in prevention ofcorrosion isnotonlyby the poorengineering quality, butalso by poordesign. The problem in prestress loss is notonly caused by the normal loss from the anchorage body and tension system, butalso by the abnormal lossbecause ofpoor engineering quality. In aword, the problemsmentioned above are caused by both personal sector and technical sector, and the problems in anchorage head, anchor rod and outside anchorage structure can certainlymake the effects on the anchorage engineering for side slope and the effect of prestess loss on the anchorage engineering for side slope should be defined regarding the concrete circumstance.
Received: 28 October 2008
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