Research on the New Ecology Protection Structure for Crag Rock-natured High Side Slope |
HE Gang, JIANG Chu-Sheng |
China Railway Eryuan EngineeringGroup Co. Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031,China |
Abstract Research purposes: The conventional reinforcementway of the anchors (or cable -anchors) frame plus the vegetation concrete afforestation protection slope is used for rock -natured side slope with rather big difference of elevation in construction because the rocks in the side slope are cut crag due to the development of joint fissure.However, the cost is too high if the anchors (or cable -anchors) frame is used in a big range and the stability of crag high side slope can notbe guaranteed if the vegetation concrete afforestation protection slope isused alone. The research is done on a new ecology protection structure forcrag rock -natured high side slope and the new ecology afforeestation is applied to verify its feasibility.
Research conclusions:From the comparison and analysis of the bench protection slope and the anchors (or cable -anchors) frame plus the vegetation concrete afforestation protection slope used for the high side slope in previous construction, it is known these two methods have deficiencies and can notmeet the stability requirement of the side slope. Through research, a new ecology protection structure is offered for crag rock -natured high side slope. This structure can combine the perfectreinforcementeffectofanchorson the shallow unstable bodywith the good effect of the vegetation concrete affore station protection slope to achieve the goals of protecting the side slope and improve the construction environmen.t This structure has been applied in protecting the high side slope of new Lijiang Railway Station, obtaining the good results.
Received: 08 April 2009
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