Thoughts on the Resisting Earthquake and Reducting Disaster Caused by Zhanlongya Landslide in Daqiao Town of Pingwu County |
LI Ji-dong |
China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031,China |
Abstract Research purposes: The principle of "Putting Prevention First and Combining Prevention with Relief" is followed so as to preventand reduce the earthquake disasterand guarantee the safety of peoples' life and properties. The research is done on resisting the earthquake and reducing disaster caused by Zhanlongya landslide in Daqiao Town of Pingwu County to provide the basic information forworking out the plan of earthquake resistance and disaster reduction and provide the basis for takingmeasures forearthquake resistance and disaster reduction.
Research conclusions:Zhanlongya landslide belongs to extremely big landslide with sliding volume about118x104m3 due to the effectof"5?12" Earthquake in Wenchuan. There are lots ofenvironmental conditions to form landslide and external sectors to aggrave the landslide developmen.t These conditions and sectors are still changing now to threaten the traffic safety ofPingshui Highway and safety of the house and farming fields. Once barrier lake forms, itwillproduce the serious losses ofupper and down streams. Based on the formation reasons, formation conditions and loss of landslide,the evaluation of the effectof treating landslide is made. If the landslide can be treated in time, the life environmentcan be improved much.
Received: 27 March 2009
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