Study and Analysis of Train Running Speed on Cao'e River Bridge on X iaoshan-Ningbo Railway Line |
LI Tao1, XI Jin-liang1, GAO He2 |
1.China RailwayShanghaiDesign InstituteGroupCo., LTD., Shanghai200070,China; 2.ChinaRailway the 21stBu-reauGroup, Lanzhou 730000, China |
Abstract Research purposes: The Cao 'e River Bridge is required to change steel truss of main bridge due to electrification upgrading of Xiaoshan -Ningbo Railway. For meeting the speed -raise requiremen,t the on –site dynamic test is carried out to the bridge structure. The calculation resultsof fullbridge dynamic response at the different train speeds are offeredwith the establishmentofcalculationmodelofvehicle -girder-frusta system based onmeasured dynamic parameters and vehicle -bridge coupling dynamic simulation analysis. The operation safety and comfort level are evaluated forproviding the basis to control of the bridge operation state.
Research conclusions:The analyses of the train operation stability index calculated from vehicle -bridge coupling finite elementdynamic simulation and on -site testdata for the passenger and freight train atdifferent speeds show when the speed ofexistingC62 -model freighttrain reaches65 km /h and new type freighttrainK2 runs at100 km /h, the vertical and lateraldisplacementof longitudinalgirder, maximum lateraldisplacementof frusta top and dynamic ratio ofdefection to span can stillmeet the requirementof tolerable values, and the all dynamic performances ofvehicles are good.
Received: 31 May 2009
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