Analysis of the Risk ofChongqing-Suining Railway's Caojie Jialing River BridgeH itby Ship |
ZHONG Jian-guo |
Quality Supervision Station, Jiangxi Province High -grade Highway Administration, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330046,China |
Abstract Research purposes: With appearance of several serious bridge collapse hit by ship in the recent years in China, the governmentauthority, the bridge ownerand the bridge design departmenthave paidmore andmore attention to this acciden.t Atpresen,t American and the European standards regard the ship hitting bridge event as a risk event and the bridge capacity of anti -ship hitting is designed on the base of the acceptable risk leve,l but the Chinese standard regards the ship hitting bridge event as an occasional event and the bridge capacity of anti -ship hitting is designed on the base ofvoyage and shipping situations. Comparatively speaking, the systematicaldesign concepton the bridge capacity of anti-hitting bridge has notbeen formed in China. Therefore, it is necessary tomake analysis of the risk of ship hitting bridge to provide the basis for security assessment.
Research conclusions:The risk of ship hittingChongqing-SuiningRailways' Caojie JialingRiverBridge is studied and analyzedwith the AASHTO method. The annual ship hitting ratio of the bridge and the annual collapse ratio of the bridge under conditions of the predicted shipping situation in near-term andmedium and long-term are obtained from the study and analysis, and the corresponding proposals aremade to provide the foundation for further study and provide the basis for the security assessment for ship hitting.
Received: 02 July 2009
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