Numerical Analysis of Earth-pressure-balance Shield Driving Considering Based on Construction Course |
FANG Yong, HE Chuan |
SouthwestJiaotongUniversity, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China |
Abstract Research purposes: 3D finite elementmodel isbuilt to simulate the construction course ofearth -pressure -balance shield tunnel driving. The shield machine 's action, the influence of void and grouting in the tail and trolley weightare considered in thismode.l The displacement controlmethod is adopted for the solution. Thismodel can be used for ascertaining the magnitude and distribution of the displacement on the surface or in the ground, and ground movementvariationwith shield tunnel driving.
Research conclusions:Ground surface settlementhappenswithin the range from 1D ahead the cutting face to 2D after the tail during the shield driving. The ground is disturbedmore greatlywith increasing ofburied depth. The tailvoid of the shield is the major factor to induce the ground movemen.t Before the arrival of cutting face, ground will displace alongwith the driving direction. This displacementwill decrease and then increase as the shield passing because of ground settlemen,t and becomesmaximum after the completion of tunnel.
Received: 02 September 2009
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