Research on the Short-circuit Test of Traction Power System on the Passenger Dedicated Line |
WANG Yong |
China CREC Railway Electrification Bureau Group, Beijing 100036, China |
Abstract Research purposes: The short-circuit testof traction power system is an important testwork in the phase of integration testof the passenger dedicated line. This paper studies the precondition, procedure, method and issues for caution of the short-circuit testand analyzes the measured data and the evaluation standard used forBeijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway forproviding the standardized reference to otherpassengerdedicated line construction.
Research conclusions:The short-circuit test of traction power system is an indispensable testwork in the phase of integration test of passenger dedicated line. The short-circuit testprocedure, method and evaluation used forBeijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway are suitable, correct and reliable. The installation quality, system function and system performance of traction power system can be verified by standardization of actual short-circuit test and the relative parameters can be optimized according to the test results.
Received: 06 August 2009
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