Application of Wireless Data Transmission Technology in Underpinning Pier for Binzhou Light Rail in Tianjin |
BU Jian-qing, SUN N ing, GUO Y i-qing |
China Academy of Railway Sciences, Beijing 100081, China |
Abstract Research purposes: In the course of underpinning the pier for Binzhou light rail inTianjin, the light rail had to be open to traffic, and the bridge could notbe reinforced. The data wireless transmission technology was used for the real-time monitoring the elevation of the underpinned pier top to ensure the train operation safety and construction quality.
Research conclusions:The wireless data transmission technology was used for monitoring the whole construction process in the course ofunderpinning the pier forBinzhou LightRail in Tianjin, obtaining the reliable data in time and realizing the data real-time collection and display to provide the basis for the decision -making for each construction process.The wireless data transmission technology is better than thewire data transmission technology and it can be used in the other construction monitoring or long-term health monitoring.
Received: 20 April 2009
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