Knowledge on the Survey for Liaoyewan Major Bridge of Suining-Chongqing Railway |
WANG Guo-xin, LIDong |
China Railway Eryuan EngineeringGroup Co. Ltd.,Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China |
Abstract Research purposes: At presen,t the mostof the newly -built railway are high -speed railwayswith lots of bridges, so the higher and higher requirement to the geological prospecting is demanded. To the survey for the bridge foundation in simple geological condition area, the conventional reconnaissance can be adopted, but to the survey for the bridge foundation in complicated geological condition area, there are lots of influencing factors, so the knowledge on the survey should be deepened. In this paper, taking the geological prospecting for the Liaoyewan Bridge of Suining -Chongqing Railway as an example, the problems existed in each stage of the survey, their reasons and resolutions are analyzed, and the knowledge on ensuring the survey quality for the bridge foundation in complicated geological area is presented.
Research conclusions:For the bridge foundation in the complicated geological condition area, the integrated exploration method should be adoptedwith relyingmainly on the geological surveying andmapping. The fine geologicalprospecting should be adopted. In this way, there are lots ofworks to be done, but it is necessary and has to be done. The coordination should be done among all specialties, namely, the geology - specialized person firstmakes clear the geological condition for the controlpierand abutmentarrangementand late the bridge -specialized person carriesout the arrangements ofpier and abutmentand selection of the pile position.
Received: 31 May 2009
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