Discussion on the Issue Related to Selection of Station Site of Beijing-ShanghaiH igh-speed Railway |
WU Cai-lan |
The Third Railway Survey and Design InstituteGroup Corporation, Tianjin 300142, China |
Abstract Research purposes: Combined with the study on selection of the station site ofBeijing -ShanghaiHigh -speed Railway on the construction, thispaperdiscusses the general terminalplan, the quantity ofpassenger station, the relation between the station ofhigh -speed railway and the station ofexisting railway and the city plan, and puts forward the issues for caution in selection of the station site.
Research conclusions:(1) A greatnumberof railroads and stations should be built in China (2) The existing railway lines should bemade fulluse in the rapid railway network (3) The EMU can run on any line in rapid railway network.(4) The existing station should bemade fulluse forapproaching the passengerdedicated line into the urban terminal as much as possible, but for the those terminalswith insufficient station quantity and departure capacity, the new station should be built for the approach based on consideration of the coordination between the line and station. In the big city,like the capital ofprovince, there should be several lines forapproaching the passengerdedicated line into the citywith two ormore central passenger stations. The newly -built passenger station should become the center of integrated transportation terminal and a new properof citywith the city development.
Received: 09 October 2009
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