Prelim inarily Research on the Railway Route Selection in Seism ic Region of Mountain Area |
HAN Kang |
ChinaRailwayEryuan EngineeringGroup Co. Ltd,Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China |
Abstract Research purposes:Although the current railroad standard has some stipulations to the route selection in seismic region, but does not integrate with the concrete seismic dynamic parameters, so it is difficult to put into practice. AfterbigWenchuan earthquake, the secondary disasterproduced inmountain areawas extremely serious, but the impacting grade depended on the acceleration of dynamic peak value. This paper studies the relation between the seismic acceleration ofpeak value and railway route selection for the purpose ofdirecting the route selection inmountain area.
Research conclusions:In the areaswhere the seismic acceleration ofdynamic peak value is0.1 or0.15 g, the earthquake impacting factors may not be considered in railroad route selection. In the areas where the seismic acceleration of dynamic peak value is 0. 2 or 0. 3 g, the earthquake imparting factor railroad route selection must be considered in railway route selection. In the areaswhere the seismic acceleration ofdynamic peak value is\0. 4 g, the railway route selection is impacted by earthquake factor serously, and the railway track in these area should be easy to repair.
Received: 05 November 2008
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