Design ofLp=44 m Dry-joint SegmentalBeam |
XIE X iao-lan |
ChinaRailway FirstSurvey and Design InstituteGroup Ltd, Xia' n, Shanxi710043, China |
Abstract Research purposes:The introductions are given in this paper to the prestress distribution on segmental pre-cast assembly beam, the design of shear key, the design of shear resistance for the joint seam on dry joint segmentalbeam and constructionmethod of assembly beam for the purpose ofproviding reference to the similarworks.
Research conclusions:Segmental precast assembly beam has the characteristics of high efficiency, high quality, short construction period, systematization and automation. Along with the development of the new technology and new materials in China, the assembly segmentalbeam willbe usedwidelywith "dry joint" method.
Received: 10 October 2008
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