Analysis of Construction Organization Design and Engineering Cost for High-grade Railway |
HU Fa-zong |
China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co. Ltd, Wuhan, Hubei 430063,China |
Abstract Research purposes:The high-grade railway has the characteristics of high speed, high technology and high quality, and new code, new design standard and new construction technique. However, there are some problems appeared in completed high -grade railway and the high-grade railway under construction, so it is necessary to make summary and do research for overcoming these problems in high-grade railway design in future.
Research conclusions:In the course of high-grade railway construction organization design, the more attention should be paid to combining the construction organization with the plans of construction schedule, the location and scale of laying rail, the beam construction, the location and scale of fabricating beam and materials supply. For defining the engineering cos,t the focuses should be made on the technical and economic comparisons of the track and bridge construction plans, earth-borrowing (stone) plan and infrastructure construction plans so as to correctly reflect the requirements of the design and construction.
Received: 15 December 2008
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