Test and Measurement of the Vibration Induced by Heavy Ramming Foundation and Anti-vibration Measure |
YIN Jian, ZHANG Liang-tao |
China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co. Ltd, Wuhan, Hubei 430063, China |
Abstract Research purposes:The heavy ramming was used for the foundation of Hong'an Comprehensive Maintenance Depot for Hefei-Wuhan Railway, which induced the serious impact on the adjacent resident houses. For safety of the houses and maintaining a normal living environment, it is necessary to perform a specific test and measurement of ramming vibration and work out the reliable anti-vibration measures.
Research conclusions:The vibration of heavy ramming would damage the adjacent resident houses and the vertical Z-weighted vibration acceleration within the house would also exceed the state standard if no countermeasures are taken. The ramming will not induce resonance of the houses if the main frequency of ramming vibration is far away from the house inherent frequency. Vibration-isolation ditch is an effective structure for attenuation of vibration. It is recommended to deepen the vibration-isolation ditch and take out debris in it as well as if necessary, the concrete can be jetted to the ditch wall for better effects. In the meantime, for ensuring safety, the adjacent residents can move out and the monitoring of vibration can be conducted to the houses during the ramming. After completion of construction, the structure of the houses should be repaired.
Received: 06 March 2009
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[ 2 ] YBJ 45—92, 强夯地基技术规程[S].
[ 3 ] GB 50191—93, 构筑物抗震设计规范[S].