Overall Design of Shaoguan-Huadu Railway of Wuhan-Guangzhou Passenger Dedicated Line |
CHEN Liang |
China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China |
Abstract Research purposes:Wuhan-Guangzhou Passneger Dedicated Line is an important part of Beijing-Wuhan-Guangzhou-Shenzhen Passenger Dedicated Line planned in Medium-Term and Long-term Railway Plan and will be a busy railway, composing of the railway corridor from Beijing to Guangzhou with the existing Beijing-Guangzhou Railway Line. The introduction is given in this paper to the overall design of Shaoguan-Huadu Railway of Wuhan-Guangzhou Passenger Dedicated Line, including the routes selections in complicated geological area and special area and application of new technologies.
Research conclusions:After the comparison of Zhangshi Plan with Qingyuan Plan in the fields of land form, geological condition, environment protection, technology and investment, the Zhangshi Plan is recommended. In this plan, the railway station is recommended to locate in Baijialong through comparison of that in Zhouxinzhen in the fields of the technology and investment. In the meantime, the new technologies are adopted for construction of track, subgrade and tunnel to accumulate the experience for construction of passenger dedicated line.
Received: 04 May 2008
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