Analyses of the Causes for Wind Disaster in Strong Wind Area along Lanzhou-Xinjiang Railway and the Effect of Windbreak |
GE Sheng—chang1,JIANG Fu—qiang2 |
1.Urumqi Railway Administration,Urumqi,Xinjiang 83001 1,China;2.Northwest Research Institute Co.Ltd of CREC,LandoR,Gansu 730000,China |
Abstract Research purposes: This paper analyzes the causes for the wind disasters in 100一kilometer wind area along the Lanzhou—Xinjiang Railway and the front 100一kilometer wind area along the Nanjiang Railway,studies the changes of wind speed after the wind break with the different heights and different interval space,and evaluates the effect of windbreak based on the measurement of shielding effect of the windbreak.
Research conclusions: The strong wind in the strong wind area along Lanzhou—Xinjiang Railway mainly belongs to inland cold wind with the characteristics of high wind speed,long wind season,stable wind direction and quick winding due to the narrow tube effect,downhill wind and large convection current of atmosphere caused by the topography.The field measurement shows that the effect of windbreak is significant,namely the speed of the wind behind the 3 m hish windbreak iS much lower than that outside the windbreak and the shielding scope of windbreak exceeds 38m when wind speed is 20m/s,which effectively weakens the train overturning moment.However,it is necessary to do the further research on the effect of windbreak on reducing the wind disaster under different conditions and the conclusions offered in this paper can provide references to control sandstorm Mong railway in the future.
Received: 23 September 2009
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