Research on the Making Construction Project Schedule with Critical Chain Method |
ZHAO Zhen—yu,YOU Wei—yang,LV Qian—lei |
North China Electric Power University,Beijing 102206,China |
Abstract Research purposes: Nowadays the construction projects face the limitations of environmental uncertainty and constrained resource.so the method for traditional network planning can not satisfy the demands of increasingly complex construction projects for the feasibility and steadiness.Thus,it is necessary to USe fuzzy critical chain for making the construction project schedule.
Research conclusions: Based on the consideration of the constraints and uncertainties of resources to the construction projects,the new method is offered for making construction project schedule with critical chain method,namely using improved genetic algorithm to identify critical chain,determine the optimal start time of each activity under a desirable schedule and present the algorithm for determining the sizes of the project buffer area and feeding buffer area.The feasible and stable project schedule can be made with this method.because this method integrates the advantages of critical chain method and focuses on the whole project.This method is especially suitable for making the project schedule under the constraints and uncertainty of resources and Call be as an effective tool for making the project schedule.
Received: 20 September 2008
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