Analysis of Differences in Bridge and Culvert Designs of High—speed Railway between China and Germany |
WANG Ting—zheng |
China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co.Ltd,Wuhan,Hubei 430063,China |
Abstract Research purposes: Through Introducing the experiences of the consult work with the experts from Germany,the brief analyses of the main arguments and technical differences in bridge and culvert designs between China and Germany are made for the purpose of initiating the deep discussion on the innovative thoughts and advanced technologies to push forward the technology for bridge and culvert designs for high—speed railway.
Research conclusions: There are the big differences in the culvert design,layout of bridge deck,calculation of train braking force and traction force,braking force on pier of continuous beam bridge,distribution of braking force,limited value of deformation of creep on beam,calculation method of pile foundation and principles of reinforcement of pile cap between China Railway and German Railway.Through communication and discussion,the reasons for the differences are known and the reasonable opinions of German experts are listened to,which can provide the reference to improving the construction quality of bridge and culvert in China.
Received: 31 March 2009
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