Finite Element Analysis of Overall Structure of the NS125 Railway Crane |
LIU Zhen—ying,DU Bin—WU,WANG Wei,Zhang Zhen |
China Railway Wuhan Bridge Industries limited,Wuhan,Hubei 430052,China |
Abstract Research purposes: The study was done on the overall structure deformation and stress distribution of the crane in the dangerous condition in order to determine whether the overall structure of the crane is reasonable and is to satisfy the requirements of stiffness and strength for providing the technical support and design basis for the structural design of the crane.
Research conclusions: The analysis of overall structure of the NSl25 Railway Crane was made with ANSYS Finite Element Analysis System in this paper.After assembling the components of the entire crane following modeling the components of the crane separately.me load calculation is conducted in the most dangerous working conditions.By calculating.the intensity and stiffness values of the overall structure of crane in the most dangerous conditions were obtained,and at the same time,the stiffness and strength distribution of the various components were alSO obtained.The results showed that the impact of the structural deformation of overall structure on the lifting range is allowable.and the calculated intensity values of the structural components meet the design requirements of the crane.
Received: 17 July 2009
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