Research on the Accumulated Deformation of Foundation Base of Multiarch Tunnel in Karst Region under Effect of Train—induced Load |
ZHAI Xu—dong1,PENG Li—min2 |
1.The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation,Tianjin 300142,China;2.Central South University,Changsha,Hunan 410075,China |
Abstract Research purposes: The existence of karst Can change the soil structure around the multiarch tunnel. thereby reducing geotechnical strength of the rock and soil.And under the effect of repeated train—induced load,the deformation of foundation base may exceed the limit value to impact the operation safety of train.Therefore.According to the requirement of ballastless track,it is of practical significance to doing study on the post—construction deformation and subsidence of the tunnel in karst region for avoiding large settlement and impacting the track regularity and the structure of ballastless slab track during long—term operation.
Research conclusions: :(1)Under the condition of trains meeting at one time,the subsidence of any parts of supporting structure is less than 2 mm and both the maximan tensile and compressive stress are less than the design values.The displacement and deformation of supporting struture can satisfy the design requirement.(2)Under the effect of long—term load of train,the accumulated deformation of typical cross—section of the foundation base is less than 20 mm,which meets the related requirements and has not devastative effects Oil the long—term service of the track.
Received: 05 July 2010
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