Comprehensive Analysis of Turn-back Track Plan for Terminal Station of Line 6 of Tianjin Metro |
YANG Bin,WEI Jia |
Tianjin Municipal Engineering Design&Research Institute,Tianjin 30005 1,China |
Abstract Research purposes: In order to increase the traffic capacity of turn—back track of the metro terminal station,this paper analyzes the merits and demerits of the layout patterns of the built and building turn—-back tracks of the terminal stations of Tianjin metrol compares the the plans,calculates the traffic capacity of the turn—back track and determines the layout pattern of the turn—back n-ack of the terminal station at Shuanggang Vehicle Depot of Line 6 of Tianjin metro.
Research conclusions:The turn—back track of terminal station should be laid out according to the terrain condition.The construction difficulty,the traffic capacity of the turn—back track,the traffic flexibility and the long—term development of urban rail transit network should be compared in technology and economy to choose a reasonable plan for the turn—back track.
Received: 23 December 2009
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