Study on the Random Field Characteristics of Soil Parameters for Jiangmen South Station of Coastal Railway in West Guangdong |
WANG Ying-he |
China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co. Ltd, Wuhan, Hubei 430002, China |
Abstract Research purposes:In the area of Jiangmen South Station of coastal railway in western part of Guangdong Province, there is a thick layer of soft soil mainly with silt clays and partially with gravel inter layer due to the alluvion by sea and land in Tanjiang estuary. In order to meet the requirements of bearing capacity and post-construction settlement, the foundation base of subgrade must be reinforced into composite foundation. The proper selection of soil parameters is crucial to the design of composite foundation. As the soil body has been formed under natural condition, the soil has a great variability in characteristics. Thus, it is reasonable to use the probability method to design the composite foundation. The study on the random field characteristics of soil parameters can provide the basis for design of the composite foundation with probability method. This paper studies the random field characteristics of soil parameters for Jiangmen South Station with the CPT data.
Research conclusions:The main reduction functions of variance of the main soil layers are obtained with systematic random field method. The average value and variance of compression modulus, bearing capacity and shear strength index are obtained with statistics. The reduction function of variance is used to modify the variance.
Received: 18 November 2009
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