Application of Vacuum Auxiliary Mud Jacking in Construction of Box Girder for Passenger Dedicated Line |
WU An-feng |
China Zhongtie Major Bridge Engineering Group, Zhengzhou, Henan 450053, China |
Abstract Research purposes:This paper mainly describes the main points for the quality control for the construction technology of vacuum auxiliary mud jacking applied in construction of post-tensioned prestressing box girder of Pingyang Bridge of Wenzhou-Fuzhou Passenger Dedicated Line and introduces the experiences and measures for the quality control for the construction technology of vacuum auxiliary mud jacking.
Research conclusions:For construction of the post-tensioned presstressing box girder with traditional mud jacking technology, there are bubble and poisoned rain water in the mud to easily corrupt the pore space and prestressed reinforcement, resulting in reducing durability of the structure. In addition, the jacked mud probably is not compacted and saturated, resulting in pore space to reserve the hidden trouble in quality of the box girder. Application of vacuum auxiliary mud jacking technology can guarantee the compactness of pretressed duct after mud jacking and enhance the durability, security and service life of the structure.
Received: 05 November 2009
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