Comparative Analysis and Selection of Construction Methods for Large Section Loess Tunnel |
ZHANG Ying-cai, HU Guo-wei, XIN Zhen-xing |
The Third Engineering Group Co. Ltd. Of China Railway, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030001, China |
Abstract Research purposes:Based on using the finite element theory to do the simulation calculation of the actual construction process of large-section loess tunnel with the optimized excavation method, the analyses are made for the change regulations of stress field, displacement field and structural strength of surrounding rock, and the applicable Scopes of the different construction methods are determined according to the allocation of resources, construction progress and monitored results for the purpose of select a reasonable construction method for large section loess tunnel.
Research conclusions:Combined with the geological condition of surrounding rock of large section loess tunnel, the researches are done on the qualitative and quantitative indicators of construction process, subsidence, construction order, resource allocation, construction risks and construction costs of construction large section loess tunnel with CRD method, short bench 7-step method and twine side wall pilot tunnel method. In addition, the traditional excavation method is optimized in the construction or derand support method, and the advantages and disadvantages of the different construction methods are offered to provide the reference to the similar works.
Received: 26 January 2010
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