Common Problems in Metro Track Construction and Their Solutions |
LIU Dao-tong, YANG Bao-feng |
The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation, Tianjin 300251, China |
Abstract Research purposes:The metro track construction has gradually become a key step for completion of the metro construction on time. As the track construction is easily affected by various external factors, enhancing the track construction progress and precision has become more and more urgent. Based on the investigations of the completed metros and the metros under construction, this paper lists a few common problems in metro track construction, and presents the solution to them, for the purposes of assuring the construction quality and meeting the requirement of general construction schedule.
Research conclusions: For the problems commonly encountered in adding assistant track laying base, rail welding and column track bed construction, it is concluded: (1) The assistant track laying base should be arranged rationally on consideration to the requirement of general construction schedule. (2) The thermal welding should be used to rails with different quality. (3) The rail racking method should be used to the column track in depot to assure the construction precision.
Received: 26 December 2009
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