Methods for Calculation of Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Crushed Stone Pile |
LAI Zi-hui |
China Railway Eryuan Engineering group Co. Ltd,Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China |
Abstract Research purposes:The calculation of ultimate bearing capacity is critical for calculation of bearing capacity of composite foundation. This paper presents the formulas of Hughes-Withers, Brauns, ShengChongwen, and Liu jie used for calculation of ultimate bearing capacity of crushed stone pile, and compares the calculated results of engineering examples using these methods for providing the references to the revision of standards and similar projects in future.
Research conclusions:It is proposed the ultimate bearing capacity of single crushed stone pile should be calculated with the formula of Sheng Chongwen. With this formula, not only are the effects of pile group considered, but also is the collection of various physical and mechanical parameters for the foundation soil avoided. The bearing capacity of composite foundation should be calculated according to the ultimate bearing capacity, and then divided by safety factor from 1.3 to 1.5, with. clear concept and money saving.
Received: 07 August 2009
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