How to Effectively Judge Cost Price in Bidding for Highway Engineering |
LI qian1,WU Xiao—wei1,2,TIAN jun2 |
1.Xihn University of Architecture and Technology,Xihn,Shanxi 710055,China;2.Feixian county campus,Qingdao Technological University,Linyi,Shandong 276000 China |
Abstract Research purposes: It is very common to use the lowest price winning bid method in the bidding process of highway engineering,and this method is also the preferred in the world at present.But with this method it is difficult to judge whether the lowest bidding price is below the the project cost price or not.To solve this problem,the reasonable calculation method is offered,and this calculation method can judge whether the bidding price is below the project cost price or not to prevent the problems related to the construction quality.
Research conclusions: Relying on the financial indexes of the bidding enterprise and determination the weight with entropy weight decision—making method.and taking fuzzy evaluation model for project risk as a rule,a complete set of models of integrating theory with practice are established to solve the problems.This method wa$examined in the real Construction practice.The result showed this method could solve the problems in the previous bidding and with this method not only could the the bidding cost of the highway construction be cut,but also it could make the bidding more fair and scientific.
Received: 17 July 2010
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