Research on Optimization of Construction Method for Sandy Loess Large Section Tunnel |
XIN Zhen- sheng |
The Th ird Eng ineering Group Co. Ltd of Ch ina Railw ay, Ta iyuan, Shanx i 030001, Ch ina |
Abstract Research purposes: By m eans o f numericalmethods, the research is done on the optim ization o f excavation methods for the sandy loess large section tunne,l and the simu lation analysis w as made for the se lected methods.A ccording to the mechanical behav ior and distribu tion law of the w all rock, the more su itable construct ionm ethods for construction sitew ere obta ined.
Research conclusions: By means of numerica l calcu lation and techno logy research, the research w as done on opt im izat ion of excavation methods for the sandy loess large section tunne.l The resu lts showed that the short bench sevenstepm ethod used for construction of sandy loess large section tunnel w as reasonable in the construction m echanics and more conduc ive to the stab ility o f thew a ll rock o f tunne lw ith a little sett lem en.t Compared w ith the CD method and CRD method, this method has good adaptability. When the short bench seven - step method is used for construct ion sandy loess tunne,l the overall construct ion w ork surface is continuous and it is su itable for large- sizemachinery construction w ith the features o f faster construct ion and more benefits.
Received: 22 December 2010
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