Research and Application ofConstruction Technology for Control ofHigh -pressure StrandWater Vein forWater- rich Tunnel |
ZHENG Bao - cai1, MENG Qing- m ing1, WEI Jia- jun1, MA long2 |
1. The Third Eng ineering G roup Co. Ltd of China R ailw ay, Taiyuan, Shanx i 030001, Ch ina ; 2. Br idge & Tunne lEng ineering Company, the Th ird Eng ineering G roup Co. Ltd of Ch ina Railw ay, H andan, Hebei 056036, Ch ina |
Abstract Research purposes: According to the pecu liarity of h igh- pressure strand w ater vein o f Lu liangshan Tunne l of Taiyuan - Zhongw ei- Y inchuan Railw ay, the arrangem ent o f grou ting bore and usage o f grout ing materia l w ere opt im ized integrally in construction o f the tunne l in o rder to ensure construction safety and pro tect underg round w ater resource. W ith th ism ethod, the high - pressure strand w ater ve in w as contro lled successfully, wh ich can prov ide the preference to the sim ilar projects.
Research conclusions: The construction guiding concept of combining a ll parts into awho le, and f irst dra in ingw ater and then ponding w ater w as fo llow ed in construction. A ccord ing to the different w ater bursting m echanism of surrounding rock, the strand bore w as arranged and many g routing materials were used to contro l the h igh- pressure strand w ater vein successfully, fo llow ing the princ ip le o f fist d iv ision and then concentration. The practice show s this m ethod is an effectivew ay to contro l the high- pressure strand w ater vein.
Received: 30 December 2010
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