Waterproofing Construction Technology for Subsurface- excavated Tunnel of GuangzhouMetro Station |
ZHU He- yi |
Shanx iRa ilw ay Eng ineering Pro fessional Institute, W einan, Shanx i 714000, Ch ina |
Abstract Research purposes: Tunne lw aterproo fing construct ion is a lw ays a diff icu lt and cruc ia lw ork in construct ion o f tunne .l Thew aterproofing qua lity of tunnel d irectly influences the tunne l construction qua lity and the tunne l serv ice life.Thew aterproofing eng ineering o fm etro subsurface- excavated tunne l is more diff icul,t and its eng ineering qua lity has more in fluence on the tunne l construction qua lity and safety. So it is very important to do the research on the w aterproo fing construct ion techno logy for m etro subsurface- excavated tunnel to guarantee the construct ion quality,service life and operational safety of tunne.l Th is paper d iscusses and anlyzes the key w aterproo fing construction techno log ies for the subsurface- excavated tunne l o fGuangzhou metro station.
Research conclusions: Whether thew aterproo fing construct ion system is reasonable or not is cruc ia l to thew aterproofing construction of the subsurface- excava ted tunne.l The fu ll w aterproo fing w ay w as adopted to th is tunne.l That was to take the wa terproof of the tunnel structure as princ ipalw aterproo fing w ay and take add itionalw aterproof as the aux iliary w aterproo fing w ay. Themorew orks w ere focused on improv ing the w aterproofing quality o f the tunnel structure, such as improv ing the qualit ies of the construction sea,l de formation sea,l w all tube and reserved ho le on the structure. In th isw ay, the good w aterproofing effect o f the tunne lw as achieved and the construction quality and sa fety o f the tunnelw ere ensured.
Received: 10 December 2010
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