Analysis and Research on 3D Simulation for Stability of Xiayahe Multi - stage Landslide |
HE Shu - jun1,LIU Jing - ru2,WU Shu - ren3,ZHANG Chun - shan3,YE Si - yuan3 |
1. China Zhonghua Geotechnical Engineering Co. Ltd,Beijing,102600,China; 2. Unit 92181,People's Liberation Army of China,Gaobeidian,Hebei 074000,China; 3. Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing 100081,China |
Abstract Research purposes: In order to reproduce the processes and the formation of Xiayahe landslide,the 3D geological simulation analysis for Xiayahe landslide was made and the simulation result was compared to the analysis result of the stability of the multiple - stage landslide in loess area with the Monte - Carlo simulating method.
Research conclusions: The research results showed that: in natural state,the simulated safety factors of the sliding surface of the 1,2,3and 4 stages were respectively 1. 27,1. 30,1. 56 and 1. 73 and it indicated that the instability would not appear to the four sliding surfaces in a given sliding surface spatial form and in the natural geotechnical parameters conditions. The simulated safety factors of the sliding surface of the 1,2,3and 4 stages were respectively 0. 96,1. 15,1. 48 and 1. 60 when the simulation calculation was made for the geotechnical parameters in the saturation state. If the safety factor fs = 1. 2 was taken as the critical value,it showed in the saturation state,the obvious instability phenomenon appeared to the1 - stage sliding surface,the safety factor of the 2 - stage sliding surface was 1. 15,being at the edge of instability,and the safety factor of the 3 and 4 - stage sliding surfaces was bigger than 1. 2,being in the stable state. These conclusions were basically consistent with the analysis results of the multi - stage landslide in loess area with the Monte - Carlo simulating method.
Received: 20 May 2011
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