Research on Applicable Mechanism of Pipe Pile in Subgrade Engineering of Passenger Dedicated Line |
LIU Yong - chao1,XU Zai - liang2,ZHANG Jin - song2,WANG Qing - long3 |
1. Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China; 2. The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group corporation,Tianjin 300142,China; 3. Tianjin Jianchengjiye Construction Group Co. Ltd,Tianjin 300301,China |
Abstract Research purposes: Pipe pile has been widely applied in construction of passenger dedicated line and high -speed railway. Combining the design,construction and subsidence monitoring of the Beijing - Tianjin Intercity Railway,the applicable mechanism of the pipe pile in the subgrade engineering was systematically studyed for further understanding of the pipe pile's bearing capacity and the roadbed's actual settlement characteristics,and for the study on the pipe pile's shear performance and role in guaranteeing the subgrade stability.
Research conclusions: Pipe pile featured with the high strength, short construction period and easy control of construction quality can meet the high demand of construction of passenger dedicated line with less total settlement and less settlement velocity at the different phases compared with other reinforcement methods. In the soil foundation,under the action of horizontal force,pipe pile is in failure state due to the bending moments. The check calculation of the entire stability of the subgrade is made with the shear strength,resulting in high safety coefficient valuations. The load bearing modes of the pipe pile include the modes of pile - raft structure,pile - board structure and pile - net structure.It is proposed to strengthen control of the construction quality,to improve the strength of soil between piles and the pipe pile's top connections and to do the research on pile - beam structure.
Received: 16 November 2010
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