Research on Survey Evaluation and Reinforcement Control Standard for Existing Railway |
ZHAO Xiu - shao1,ZHU Jian - nong2,DAI Yu - qing2,WANG Liang - liang2,GENG Da - xin1,LIU Wei1 |
1. East China Jiaotong University,Nangchang,Jiangxi 330013,China; 2. Shanghai Design Institute Group Co. Ltd.and Construction Headquarters,China Railway Group Ltd. Shanghai 200070,China |
Abstract Research purposes: The existing railway must be evaluated in survey for reinforcement after operation for years to meet the requirements of the speed - raise and electrification. As there is no mathematical statistics method for survey evaluation on the existing railway,the filling materials segment method,task segment method and enforcement segment method are used for the evalution of the existing railway section by section after comparing the mathematical statistics method in " Code for Design of Building Foundations" and " Standards for highway Engineering Quality Inspection and Evaluation" .
Research conclusions: The " Standards for highway Engineering Quality Inspection and Evaluation" is more suitable for survey evaluation of the existing railway. Taking the evaluation of dynamic deformation modulus as an example,combined with the related standard of the railway,the minimum Evd control standard is 40 MPa which don't need reinfor cement. The road sections length that need reinforcement are reduced when using segment evaluation method,achieving good effect. According to the statistics data and segment results,the Evd value has a close relationship with filling type on the surface of roadbed. It is difficult to ensure large stiffness when using A and B types filling,so lime or cement improved soil should be used to get larger stiffness.
Received: 30 December 2010
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