铁道工程学报  2011, Vol. 28 Issue (3): 37-45    DOI:
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Determining Method and Risk Assessment of Strong Wind Region along High - speed Railway in China
MA Shu - hong1,MA Yun - Juan2,CHENG Xian - Dong3,GE Feng4,LI Zhen - Shan1,ZHANG Ji - Liang3,LIU Zhi -Ming5
1. Peking University,Beijing 100871,China; 2. Ktk Anda Traffic Information Technology Co. Ltd,Beijng 100081,China; 3. Transportation Department,Ministry of Railways,Beijing 100084,China; 4. Academy of Macroeconomic Research,Development and Reform Commission,Beijing 100038,China; 5: China Academy of Railway Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
Copyright © Editorial Board of Journal of Railway Engineering Society
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