Research on Blasting Vibration Control of Tunnel Excavation of Qingdao Subway |
XUE Li1,SUN Fu - feng2,SHI Yan - long2,HAN Hui - hui2,SUN Chao2 |
1. China Academy of Railway Sciences,Beijing 100081,China; 2. Erchu Co. Ltd of China Railway Tunnel Group,Beijing 101601,China |
Abstract Research purposes: Taking the experiment section of Line 3 of Qingdao subway project as the background,the test of the surface vibration vector resultant velocity caused by tunnelling was done to know the surface vibration characteristics and attenuation law induced by different types of hole when tunnelling and blasting the shallow tunnel,and the measures were offered for reducing the vibration on the premise of no cutting the tunnelling footage.
Research conclusions: The attenuation law relied on the blasting type for excavating the working face. With the number of blasting initiation section increasing,the K value of the attenuation formula decreased gradually; and the α value basically remained unchanged. According to the variation law and influence factors of K and α values,the additional measures were taken,such asundermining the central hole,improving the initiation blasting order and reducing the folder effect of blast,to reduce the velocity of blasting vibration to below 1. 5 cm / s.
Received: 24 March 2011
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