Simulation Study on the Section Optimization of the Super Pilot Tunnel in High Geo - stress Tunnel |
MA Wei - bin1,ZHANG Mei2,ZHAO You - ming1,LIU Yan - qing1,GUO Xiao - xiong1,FU Bing - xian1 |
1. China Academy of Railway Sciences,Beijing 100081,China; 2. The Engineering Management Center of Ministry of Railways,Beijing 100844,China |
Abstract Research purposes: In order to solve the problem of the large deformation in high geo - stress tunnel of ongoing lanzhou - chongqing railway,according to the characteristic of the complex geological conditions and changeable influencing factors,the high in - situ stress in the right hole was released in advance by using deformability of the super pilot tunnel,under these conditions,the right hole was in acceptable low - stress state when it was excavated,which was potengoally less the input of support rigidity. This paper determined reasonable by using numerical simulation method.
Research conclusions: By taking maoyushan tunnel as the research object,the displacement release rate corresponding various location and dimension of the super pilot tunnel was studied in the paper through numeric simulation. The two -dimensional analysis show that the reasonable dimension of the super pilot tunnel was 7. 6m( width) × 5. 5m( height) .The reasonable distance between the pilot tunnel vault and the right holr vault was 2. 5m. The displacement release rate fo A snd BB `and CC `and DD `were respevtively 37% ,54% ,72% and 59% . This paper can provide reference for construction and design of other similar projects.
Received: 26 May 2011
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