Preliminary Study on the Standards of Operation Ventilation of Diesel Traction in High - altitude Tunnel |
SUN San - xiang1,ZHANG Yun - xia1,LI Guo - liang2,YANG Guo - zhu2 ,XIE Jun - tai2 |
1. Lanzhou Jiaotong University,Lanzhou,Gansu 730070,China; 2. China Railway First Survey &Design Institute roup Ltd,Xi’an,Shanxi 710043,China |
Abstract Research purposes: In order to solve the problem of standards about allowable concentration of harmful emission gases to operation ventilation of diesel traction in high - altitude( > 3 000 m) tunnel. Based on the comparison results of operation ventilation standards and allowable concentrations of harmful emission gases,CO,NO2 control of the maximum allowable concentration,the suggestion standards of operation ventilation control of diesel traction in high altitude tunnel is presented.
Research conclusions: The national standards is more stringent than the developed countrie’s. The suggestion standards of operation ventilation control of diesel traction in high altitude tunnel are that time weightd average ( TWA) of NOx( nitragen dioxide leve1) is 10 mg/m3 in workday,short term( 30 min) exposure limit of NOx≤30 mg/m3. TWA of CO is 30 mg / m3 in workday,short term( 30 min) exposure limit of CO≤90 mg / m3.
Received: 10 April 2011
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