Study on Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Suction Anchor Pile |
ZHANG Qi - yi1,WANG Qing - hua2 |
1. Ocean University of China,Qingdao,Shandong 266100,China; 2. Real Estate Management Bureau of Jimo,Qingdao,Shandong 266200,China |
Abstract Research purposes: Suction foundation is widely used and its ultimate bearing capacity is a key technology in offshore engineering practice. It can provide technical support for the stability of deep sea structures if the ultimate bearing capacity of suction anchor can be achieved accurately. On the other hand,to study the failure mechanism of suction anchor under limit equilibrium condition,can give a theoretical foundation to research the ultimate bearing capacity of anchor further.
Research conclusions: The results shows that the displacement - loading model provided in this paper can solve the ultimate bearing capacity of suction anchor accurately under combined vertical and horizontal loading. The ratio of horizontal and vertical loading and action point of loadings can influence the ultimate bearing capacity and the stability of the suction anchor. The contents of this research can give technical supports in engineering and theoretical direction to analysis.
Received: 16 May 2011
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