Analysis of Elastic - plastic Seismic Response of Non - regular Highway |
WANG Fei,TIAN Shan - po,ZHUO Yi |
The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation,Tianjin,300142,China |
Abstract Research purposes:The bridge project is as an important project in earthquake region,and it’s seismic behavior is crucial to the earthquake relief work.Several destructive earthquakes show that once the bridge engineering is damaged,the serious consequence will occurred and it also shows the importance of bridge’s seismic design.Therefore,it is necessary to analyze and discuss the bridge seismic design in details.
Research conclusions:For reconstruction project of the interchange bridge across the BeijiJing一Guangzhou Railway in Jingliang Road,the modal analysis was made and the calculation was made for the structural strength under E1 earthquake effect and the structure deformation under E2 earthquake effect. It proved that the bridge could meet the requirements of strength under E1 earthquake effect .Under E2 earthquake effect the maximum turning angle of the plastic一hinge region met the standard requirements. The maxium displacement of the pier top was 2. 59 em and it happened on the top of pier #5 under the exitation of artificial wave #3 .This value was smaller than the permissible value. The designed shear forces of the piers were much smaller than the permissible value. Therefore,this bridge structure could meet the designed requirement for safely and reliability and it could be as the reference to the similar works.
Received: 16 May 2012
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