Applicable Research on Comprehensive Survey Technology of Engineering Geology for Large Deeply - buried Tunnel |
TAN Yuan - fa |
China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co. Ltd,Wuhan,Hubei 430063,China |
Abstract Research purposes: The high - speed railway and passenger dedicated line pass through broad areas with very complex topographic and geologic conditions,so it is quiet difficult to make a thorough investigation of engineering geology and hydro - geological conditions for the large deeply - buried long tunnel in short time only by using the geological mapping and exploration drilling means. So the comprehensive survey technology must be used for providing the engineering geological data for the track alignment and engineering design.
Research conclusions: The practices show when the comprehensive survey technology is used for the large deeply - buried tunnel in mountain area along with necessary geological drilling and the comprehensive tests,analysis and research,the construction period can be shortened,the survey works can be reduced and the good social and economic benefits can obtained by taking the sensing result as the guidance,taking the hydro - geological investigation in the large scope as the basis and using the interpretation result of the comprehensive physical prospecting.
Received: 17 November 2011
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