Analysis of National Railway 's Production Efficiency from Perspective of Technical Economy |
ZHANG Zhi - jian1,YU Zhao - yu2 |
1. East China Jiaotong University,Nanchang,Jiangxi 330013,China; 2. Jilin Railway Vocational and Technology College, Jilin,Jilin 132001,China |
Abstract Research purposes: The national railway is a major part of the railway system and plays an important role in the national economic development. Enhancing the production efficiency by the technical innovation is the only way for the national railway to develop. In this paper,the technical values of four factors were determined with the entropy fuzzy matter - element method from the perspectives of the national railway's technology and economic factors,and the DEA method was used to calculate the nearly 12 years' national railway's production efficiency.
Research conclusions: The national railway's technology economic factors present the improving trend year by year. The scale but inefficiency was the main reason for the low efficiency of the comprehensive technology; In the long - term,the technical innovation and enhancing the technical and economic efficiencies are the way for the national railway to realize the harmonious and sustainable development.
Received: 31 March 2012
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